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TRAINSHED is a model railway group based in Bridlington it was founded as BARMATES  in 2007 to promote and generate interest in all aspects of railways. The Society caters for all those who construct layouts and build rolling stock, to those with an interest in full size railways be it photographing or reading or collecting memorabilia, whether it is historical or modern. The Society was rebranded as TRAINSHED-Bridlington Model Railway Group in 2021.If you have an interest in railways and live in the Bridlington area then come along to our meetings.

The next Bridlington Model Railway show

Saturday 7th September 2024 at Emmanuel Church, Cardigan Road, Bridlington.

Featuring up to 12 layouts . Trade stalls with model railway supplies and collectables.

TRAINSHED is the new name for BARMATES

and we have moved

We meet on Tuesday evenings at Burton Agnes Bowls Club and during the daytime on Thursdays. email bridmodelrail@hotmail.co.uk or phone 07811254080 if you are interested in coming along.








TRAINSHED members who are interested in modelling come along to  our club room, locatated in Buckton near Bridlington at 7pm on Tuesday evenings. (Some members also attend on Thursdays in the day time.) During these sessions members usually work on the club layouts. Currently we are planning to build at new layout in 00 scale.  Certain members work on the scenics whilst others work on other jobs such as layoung track or wiring. Everyone helps and learns from each other.

Amongst our activities we plan our next show or open day and sometimes members help each other out with their own layouts.

The layouts that are being built in the clubroom are for the benefit of members. A few members run their own stock, whilst others use the club stock. The main activity on club nights is construction work. The layouts are usually operated at our shows or open days


TRAINSHED has several experienced modellers amongst its members. Some have exhibited layouts at shows around the country. Individuals have had layouts featured in national railway magazines.
Some members have come along to learn how to build layouts whilst others have a genuine interest in railways and transport either because they used to work on the railways or they are volunteers for  preserved railways
Other members work on the Society layouts and most of them have layouts at home. Some are in lofts whilst others are in sheds and/or garages.


Once a month the group visits the Lockington Railway evening for a social event   The activities include:- talks, videos, guest speakers, who come along and share their knowledge and experiences with us. The group also arranges outings to model railway shows and places of railway interest

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© David Harrison